


We are a full service Commercial Real Estate company capable of helping you and your business take control of your real estate needs.



We have a proven record of successful real estate transactions including the sales and leasing of land, 办公室, 零售, 以及遍布俄亥俄州中部和世界各地的工业地产. NAI俄亥俄股票是一个专门的团队,准备为您工作. We have an in-house marketing team that will assist all sales associates on how to best list your property. 让我们的专业人员今天与您一起列出您的财产.



如果你是哥伦布地区的新手, 拓展业务, 或者只是寻找新的空间, 我们专业的租客代表将帮助您了解整个过程. NAI Ohio Equities is here to walk you through all aspects of site selection; from discovery and identification phase all the way through the negotiation and signing of your new lease or closing on your new space.



NAI Ohio Equities的团队包括20名乐于助人且才华横溢的物业经理, 每个人都被雇来确保你的财产有效运作. 从除雪到安全再到暖通空调维修, our property management experts offer peace of mind that every last concern is being considered, 管理, 和修理. 我们还为您的业务提供全面的会计支持.



Our agents have been helping clients find the perfect real estate solutions for all of their business needs since 1971. 我们的团队成员随时准备为您提供所需的帮助.



Cover My medicines标志农民保险标志Hackman Capital Partners的标志考夫曼发展公司标志OhioHealth标志PNC标志温迪的标志华志坚标志



2024年初, industrial vacancy in Columbus is continuing to rise faster than the national benchmark after having delivered 14.800万平方英尺的面积. 然而,根据房产的不同,市场中存在两种不同的现实. Vacancy in buildings larger than 500,000 square feet is approaching 11% in the Columbus market. 与此同时,在25万平方英尺以下的建筑中,空置率仅为4%.3%. 尽管总体空缺增加, 哥伦布市更实惠的租金让业主得以维持租金水平, 即便是在市场环境疲软的情况下.

The increasing vacancy rate has not had a significant impact on lease rates; however, 房东们在让步方面越来越有创意,也越来越积极.

只有一个.本季度新开工的建筑面积为1平方英尺,总面积为2平方英尺.5 MSF规格空间正在建设中.

随着最近的建筑热潮接近尾声, 整体市场库存为369 MSF, 增加了17个.从2020年第一季度的314 MSF下降了5%.

有大量持有干货的买家希望购买. 然而,买家和卖家之间的定价脱节仍然存在. 销售额从1美元继续下降.2023年第四季度为170亿美元,2024年第一季度为10亿美元. 最高时为2美元.2022年第三季度32B.


“随着最后一波创纪录数量的新投机建筑交付, 空置率已升至2013年第二季度以来的最高水平. 这可能是一个高峰,因为空间被吸收了,新的交付在全年都在放缓. 从租户的角度来看,2024年第一季度可能是一个反思点. I believe this will be a time when they will look back and wish they had leased space in this high vacancy period with many spaces from which to choose.”



Professional 官方直营bbin is critical to ensuring the longevity and vitality of your commercial real estate investment. 在NAI Ohio Equities, we provide active management and integrated resources to preserve and enhance the value of each of your company's real estate assets. 我们为工业企业提供全面的、具有竞争力的官方直营bbin服务, 办公室, 医疗, 还有零售大楼, 以及教育和多家庭财产和房主协会.

All NAI Ohio Equities 管理 assets operate in accordance with our Property Service Standards Program that promotes consistent, 高级操作实践, yet is designed with the flexibility to cater to the unique needs of each property and client.


"Ryan McGreevy very professionally handled the sale of this property and I was very satisfied with his work. 我期待着我们将来的合作."


“每一笔潜在的交易都是以专业和令人信服的方式处理的. 此外, the attention to detail and analysis provided with each RFP has greatly helped the partners in their decision making."


“NAI俄亥俄股票工业团队为我们做了出色的工作. After purchasing Southeast 工业 Park our goal has been to sell the buildings individually. Their team has clearly communicated our objectives to the brokerage community and end users. Through an aggressive marketing effort they have been able to sell 13 of the 18 buildings in the park. 我们赞赏他们对业务的坚定和诚实态度."


“与马特·格雷戈里和安迪·达彻合作非常棒. 他们都精力充沛,知识渊博, 快速响应我们的各种需求和问题. 两人都很有风度, 了解我们的需求, 并大力支持我们创办社会企业的努力. 我强烈推荐他们两个."


“和乔·门宁格和菲利普·伯德一起工作很愉快. 他们完全理解我们的条件和出售房地产的必要性, 同时在出售期间和之后继续维持我们在该空间的运营."


"We have grown significantly in the past few years and had to lease space at three separate locations in order to accomodate the needs of the agency. I was delighted with the personal commitment made by both Peter Merkle and 马特·格雷戈里 to find us a property that met all of Alvis House's needs. 他们所付出的时间和精力是无价的."





这个月, NAI Ohio Equities完成了11笔交易, 随着本月零售交易数量的上升.

乍得·博格斯 有这个月最高价值的零售交易吗. He represented Pitabilities in signing a lease for its first brick-and-mortar location at 2167 Stringtown Road in Grove City. 这笔交易是在公司内部完成的 鲍勃说 代表业主.

写字楼交易约占交易活动的三分之一. 米切尔摩尔 是领导和代理团队一起工作的吗 菲利普鸟, 马特·格雷戈里, 安迪·达奇尔的距离 代表第一分部屋面部签署地铁广场博士400号的租约. N. 在都柏林. 这也是本月成交金额最高的一笔交易.

本月价值最高的工业交易是由 Doug Shull 谁代表业主与NPAS公司签订租约. 在俄亥俄州特拉华州伦敦路2097号.



How Leveraging a 1031 Exchange Strategy Can Help You Achieve Your Commercial Real Estate Goals


A 1031 exchange is a real estate investment tool that allows investors to exchange an investment property for another “like-kind” property while deferring capital gains tax on the profit from the sale.

作为商业房地产投资者, 您可能熟悉1031交换的概念, but do you fully understand how this tax benefit can be utilized as a tool to achieve other goals?



用1031交换, investors can continually reinvest the net proceeds from their assets to trade up into larger investments creating “leverage” and increasing purchasing power. 通过再投资本来用来支付资本利得税的美元, 投资者购买力随之增加, 积累财富. 另外, this increase in equity can lead to a lower loan-to-value ratio when acquiring a higher-value property. This strategy can be repeated indefinitely and used with other tax strategies to build a portfolio.


Owning too much of a particular asset type or having assets concentrated in a single market can pose a risk. 1031交易所可用于促进投资组合多样化. 另外,假设一种特定的资产类型由于市场条件而表现不佳. 在这种情况下, 1031交易所可以促进对表现更好的资产类型的收购, 或者,它可以用来在一个正在经历增长的市场上购买资产.


Knox County 土地 Bank Partners with NAI Ohio Equities to Help Bring Manufacturing and Jobs Back to Heartland Commerce Park


A nearly 200-year-old manufacturing campus in Knox County is once again coming to life five years after the announcement that one of the area’s largest employers, 西门子能源, 会停止在那里的运作.

占地47英亩,包括12栋建筑,总计670,000平方英尺的土地被诺克斯县土地再利用公司收购, 也被称为诺克斯县土地银行, in 2020 after Siemens decided it no longer wanted to retain the property following the closure.

该物业已成为发电系统制造商的所在地, 从蒸汽机到喷气发动机再到发电机, 自1833年以来. 大部分时间,由原居住者的继任者,CE Cooper Co ..

校园, 现在被命名为哈特兰商业园, 代表了城市中最大的可用工业空间集合, 杰夫·戈特克解释道, 诺克斯郡地区发展基金会和诺克斯郡土地银行的主席.

“这是一处本土房产,社区感觉与它有很大的联系. Thousands of current Knox County residents have worked on that property or know someone who did,他说.




NAI Ohio Equities正在招聘. If you are looking for employment with our company and fit the requirements we are looking for, 我们很高兴见到你. 请查看以下职位空缺, 如果有兴趣的话, 请点击列表查看更多信息并申请. 谢谢!